Sunday, December 16, 2007
Week #9 - The End
I've already listened to four episodes of my lovely new podcast. Best place to find similar podcasts, by the way: podiobooks I heart podiobooks. That would be my favourite result of doing the activities for myself, but the big warm fuzzy "I love libraries/librarians" was fantastic. It's horribly cheesy, but it was so lovely to see people helping each other do the exercises, talking about 2.0 things, encouraging people to finish. And I'm so proud of the previously self-confessed luddites who finished, and finished a long time before many others.
Week #9 - NetLibrary
It's a perfect medium for reference books (see earlier post about wanting to use control + find on the hardcopy medical text book I was reading a couple of weeks ago...) but not so great for more leisurely browsing. I still do it though - I was reading "The Good, the Bad and the Undead" and left it at home at a PIVOTAL moment... so I mighthavekindofreadwhat happenednextwhenIwasonaslowregistrationshift... Er, and ditto for "Heidi" :D
I can't seem to read "The Good, the Bad and the Undead" online any more though - maybe they changed the level of access... Google Book search is a little better in that regard - you can tell from the beginning what level of access you'll get. Then again.. the only fiction novel in the fantasy genre that is fully available is "Ueber den Begriff des Wortes [phantasia] bei Aristoteles"...
I like that we have these options though: I could read a book at home, listen to it while I go to work, download the electronic copy, convert it into Braille... okay maybe I couldn't do the last one, but still! So many options!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Week #9 - Podcasts
But! I discoverd that one of my favourite authors, Mercedes Lackey, has a new book out - as a podcast only: The Secret World Chronicles. Actually, it seems more like a comic book series, which is probably even more suited to the podcast format. But metahumans, with super powers? And a fiery website? Awesome! I haven't been able to download the episodes to my ipod though. Oh wait, in subscript just above the episode list, they tell you how to do it. *happy sigh*. I don't think I could love this author more.
As for the proper sites.. had a pretty extensive collection, but the titles that I liked turned out to have been the author's passing fancy in 2006, with no updates since then :( And the ads were hideous. A flashing pink "Is your love cheating on you?!" banner is very distracting. Podcast Alley had a nicer layout (and better ads) but I had the same problem with great looking titles turning out to be one-off events. But yay for Yahoo! They include the last published date in the search results. Hooyaah! We have found a winner!
I've added The Secret World Chronicles to my Bloglines account as requested, and to my Google Reader account because I'll actually check that one :D
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Week #9 - YouTube
Not that I would do that of course, because that would be Wrong and I am currently being investigated as a Spam Blogger (*mutter*) and wouldn't want to add Supporting Piracy to my list of alleged internet crimes.
The only complaint I have is that a Search function powered by Google should have a lot more flexibility. Sorting by relevance, date added, view count and rating are great, but what I wouldn't give for an Advanced Search option... It's just so messy without it. Of course, I could just be horribly blind and it's there already, but if that's the case it should be more obvious :P
I like the Community Groups though, and that could work really well in a library setting. It would probably be more similar to the LibraryThing networks, but the idea is the same. At the very least it could make the library website more interactive, or perhaps even the catalogue...
As for the video I find worth adding as an entry to my blog (and this was very hard given the high standards of my blog...)
Proof that babies are FREAKY AS H*LL:
Week #8 - Web 2.0 Tools
I don't really see how Guess-a-Google would be relevant to libraries so I had a wee looksee at Statsaholic and tried to do a website traffic comparison for the ACL, North Shore and Waitakere Library websites. It didn't really work though because it would only register a comparison between "" and "" not "" or "". They have some pretty neat examples though: in a comparison between myspace, facebook, and friendster, myspace is kicking arse although facebook is gaining ground. Oh if only I had popcorn to watch the RACE TO THE FINISH!
Hehehe, I have no idea if this information is accurate, and there are probably all kinds of qualifiers that should be taken into account, but it's pretty fun to play with :D And maaaybe if libraries are trying to Stay Up With The Play and were going to set up a library page on a social networking site it might be worth seeing which site is used more heavily.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Week #8 - Zoho
Why yes, yes it is. And the adding contextual comments part. Sooo good. I've tried sending people things with edited comments in bold or capitals, but if the formatting doesn't carry across, you can't even tell what's changed, and switching from capitals to lower case is a bit of a pain. And finally! An application that puts the option to 'close account' on the sign in page! I have created soo many accounts with this 2.0 programme and I really would prefer to drop some of them when it's finished, but can't even find the option in several of them.
The only difficulty I came across was that it was horribly slow to make any changes. Again, that could be the internet here, but it stalled completely when I tried to create a new document, and again when I was adding a comment to a document. Still very impressive though :)
I feel so violated.
And can't stop using italics!
Oh the humiliation!!!
*mutters* I'm going back to LiveJournal after this. Just see if I won't!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Week #7 - PB Wiki
So I added my blog to the list of favourite blogs, numbers and holiday places and discovered that eeevery little change is tracked. And emailed to subscribers. It's a lot easier to use than I thought it would be though. My experience with the wiki we used for Library School made me a little jaded - I assumed that wikis would be a little hard for newbies to find their way around as our one was pretty barren and not so user-friendly. This one is much easier though, and the links to creating new pages, comments and files are nicely obvious. And I like the colour scheme :D
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Week #7 - Wikis
I liked the idea of this Web 2.0 programme from the very beginning - it's such a good opportunity for everyone to get involved and help each other out with the tasks as well as making us more accessible to our patrons. But I've discovered a very lovely side effect. I heart libraries. More than ever. It's so great to see all of these examples of other libraries jumping on the bandwagon, leading the charge, upping the ante, mixing the metaphors...
Even Library School is getting jiggy with it. Our class last semester on Digital Publishing had a course blog and wiki. And our wiley profession ensured that we learn how to use the wiki by making us post our presentation topic there. Not that I think any of my Dear Readers will follow this link, but my topic was Google Book Search. It was pretty cool to track the changes as I was posting my entry - and reassuring to see that someone else presenting on the same day was also editing their page at midnight...
Week #6 - Library 2.0
Now, until then, I would probably have added a little bit more icy coldness in support fo the "just in case" iceberg mentioned in the first article. It just seemed so wrong not to have a physical collection as well as a digital one. But wow. Those anatomy textbooks are SO UNWEILDY and horribly heavy and replaced every couple of years with new editions. I actually found my fingers twitching as I trying to hit 'cntrl + f' while searching one page for the phrase 'arteria labialis superior' in the ginormous Gray's Anatomy.
I am now firmly of the opinion that every reference text should be digital :D
Week #6 - Technorati
Oh wow! But they have little graphs with how many mentions by day there are for your search term! That's so cool! People went crazy around Halloween... Teehee and you can even post the chart. Yoink!
English posts that contain Library 2.0 per day for the last 30 days.
Get your own chart!
English posts that contain Julia per day for the last 30 days.
Get your own chart!
There were some pretty strange choices for most popular blogs, searches and tags. Ron Paul? Eh? The tags wouldn't really work if everyone's not consistent though. Our library for example could be Auckland_City_Library, aucklandcitylibrary, ACL, Auckland_City_Libraries or aucklandcitylibraries... or are we Auckland Central Library... *throws up hands* too many! I wasn't able to find this 'Blog Directory' mentioned in the instructions for this week either. I'm assuming it's somewhere horribly obvious, but for the life of me I can't find it :(
Week #6 -
My great list of three websites:
I loved how you can search for tags by just entering them in the box at the top though and *insert geekyweird moment here* I don't quite know how to explain it, but it's like entering a message in Millennium and seeing it appear in the screen behind you as you write... you enter it in the box, and weee! there it is in the url... *end geekyweird moment*
Ahem. But yes, I also like their colour coding system. I've yet to come across something dark red though...
It's a pretty neat system, but I rely on changing computers/losing all data in crashes to cull my list of favourites. Having to start again makes me choose what I really want to use... and unless I'm supremely bored, that's the only time the favourites list gets tidied. An online version... that would never die... It would be tagged ANARCHY.
Unless you could sort by most frequently used...
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Week #5 - Rollyo
I had a bit of difficulty creating the account (I managed to create the Rollyo before creating an account so I ended up with two of the same Rollyo..) and it took me a while to workout just where to go to add other sites to my search list once it was made. And it weirds me out that they don't have a 'save changes' button when you're editing your Rollyos though. Switching pages and just having faith that it will be updated is so *twitch* uncomfortable.
I've added the wee rollyo search box to my blog though. *pets it proudly*
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Week #5 - LibraryThing
Here is my mini catalogue though:
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Week #5 - Online Image Generator
My favourites were the Customised smilies Not a terribly good example on the homepage, but they turn out pretty well when they're a bit smaller.
This one was supposed to be a superhero but I don't think superheroes are supposed to look that whiny...
The jigsaw one is pretty great too. Rawr

Monday, November 26, 2007
Week #4 - Library Blogs/newsfeeds
Library school has been a pretty good source of blogs and journals though. The LITA blog is pretty nifty with its conference recordings and separation of RSS feeds into entries, comments or both. The Bloglines search tool looked a little messy, but I liked that they included when the blog was last updated in the search results. I came across a few interesting looking ones that hadn't been updated in months before seeing that they included the last updated date. Better to check that first than be disappointed :P
I have an atavistic aversion to using Blogs to find out information in any field other than entertainment, but some of the library blogs are managing to counter that. *twitch* I still can't imagine referencing a blog in an essay, but maybe that will change.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Week #4 - RSS
RSS is pretty nifty though. I didn't really use it until we upgraded to Explorer 7 though. We covered RSS in library school and a Learned Colleague talked about his RSS feeds before that (which I would nod along wisely to but have nooo idea what it really meant at the time..) but I never got around to signing up with a reader. The built-in reader with Explorer 7 is great though; it's as easy as adding something to your favourites and there's no password or account name required. I signed up to several blogs and cheered with geeky glee whenever I saw the little RSS icon on a news *coughtrashyentertainment* page I liked. The only downside was that it was bound to my computer at home, so when we started Library 2.0-ing at work I created an account with Google Reader. It works in pretty much the same way that bloglines does when you want to add subscriptions but it looks niftier and doesn't include the word 'blog' in the title. (Reeeeally don't like that word.. it's almost as ugly as 'pulchritude'. Blech... and badoom chish!)
I must confess though. I got bored with RSS. And stopped checking Google Reader, and my Explorer 7 version. I missed the shiny personalised versions of the original websites/blogs. If I were using it to read summaries of news items, or newly received books at the library (hint hint) I'd probably keep up with it more, but most of the blogs/websites I subscribed to were the kind of ones that you want to read the whole article/entry, not just briefly scan and move along.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
*grin* Yay for wikipedia!
1. Apparently you are officially considered "tall" by the U.S government if you're 5'10'' or 178cm and over. Which makes me taller than 99% of American women.... creepy
2. Sadly, Brigitte Nielsen and Flava Flav did not live happily ever after together :(
3. You need to have at least 6/12 vision unaided to join the police.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Mashups revisited
So, while I was
Google maps + Craig's List =
Google maps + Chicago PD crime database =
Well.. useful to people in the States. But a New Zealand equivalent would be great. I am beyond abysmal at remembering where the different suburbs are in Auckland and something similar would be invaluable in helping me find that perfect westie bogan flat of my dreams...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Visitor Counter!
Positive reinforcement when there are no comments! Either that or horribly black and white statistical proof of your loneliness....
Monday, October 8, 2007
Week #3
Ahem. But yes. Flickr. I was a little confused when Yahoo Photos emailed (we're close personal friends) to say that they were focusing on their other photo hosting site, Flickr. Yeaaah, I hadn't realised they'd bought Flickr. But I followed their instructions to transfer my Yahoo Photos to Flickr, and found out I didn't have any. Which would be why I haven't really investigated Flickr yet. I have photos from my trip to Boston two months ago that I still haven't uploaded from my camera...
But I took the Magical Feature Tour and I liked how they addressed privacy concerns and the nifty map feature. Even if it is called Organizr. I made the mistake of trying to upload all 50 photos at once though, so my impressions of how fast/easy it is to add photos are a little distorted. I'm sure it's normally a lot faster...
I want to get one of these for the library!
Oh yeah, Library School ftw! *points proudly to the little image description on the photo* l33t html haxx0r skillz! Unfortunately my l33t haxx0r skillz do not extend to mashups. I like that they're possible. Lovely lateral thinking and all that. And you have to love a programme that says 'Digitising your wisdom Great One.. please wait'. But, and I hate to say it, but wow they can take up a lot of time. It was the pain of choosing my blog template all over again: faaaar too many possibilities. So I punked out and used the lolcat mashup. There can never be enough lolcats in this world! :D
I'm beginning to think I should have made this three separate posts, but I've already edited this far too many times, so on to the technology! RSS is my favourite toy at the moment, but that's one of the later topics so I shall write about an old and dear friend: World of Warcraft. I never get the acronym right (and generally end up mumbling something along the lines of 'morpork'), but it's a MMORPG (massively multi-player online role-playing game). Basically, 9 million people run amok in a magical world with sparkly effects and AWESOME powers. You can even have a very profitable (albeit illegal) day job selling in-game gold for real money online... And according to Wikipedia there's going to be a WoW movie released in 2009. Squee!
Er, that wasn't very technology-focused. Hmmm. Well. They're also hopping on the 2.0 bandwagon with the introduction of in-game voice chat. No longer will you have to use skype/yahoo/vent to talk to your fellow gamers, oh no, now you can do that all through WoW. You will never have to leave the game. Oh they're sly. So very sly. I heart them so.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Week #2
So! *cue nostalgic music*
My journey through teh Interweb started back in 1997 with an ICQ instant messenger account. Anyone remember those? Little flower at the bottom of your screen and a truly awful screen name (or number). I graduated to Yahoo Messenger in the cool winter months of [insert forgotten date here], followed by AOL's AIM in [insert another forgotten date here, in fact, that 1997 I mentioned earlier? Totally made up], a short dalliance with MSN three years ago, and the latest notch to the IM belt - an account with Skype. I would like to say that I ended up with the best, most reliable IM service but really, I picked Yahoo for the purple layout and range of smilies...
My history with online journals has been equally promiscuous. LiveJournal was my first. It is full of angsty emo rants insterspersed with every personality and pop culture quiz you can imagine. I was relatively content with LiveJournal. Most of my friends were on there, it's pretty easy to update (except that you have to manually enter the html code to insert hyperlinks and I would always forget the format), but my attention was caught by another: MySpace. Sweet, sweet MySpace.... Songs embedded in your homepage, layer upon layer of profile information, and a guy called Tom who would always be your friend. What more could one want?
Facebook. That's what. Facebook with its gardens, pets, and walls within walls. But it's become something I avoid. I went away for a couple of weeks and got behind with my notices and now I hide from the pirate/zombie/purity/Simpsons/Harry Potter invites and try to pretend that I'll get around to doing them later.
I haven't signed up for a Bebo account - I'm trying to avoid the temptation as I don't need another social networking site in my life, and from the comments I saw in the few profiles I looked at, it seems to be mostly younger tEeNaGed peOPlE UsiNg tH3 s1t3. *winces* reeeeally not so appealing.
So I'll stick with my harem of MySpace, LiveJournal and Facebook accounts and not devote enough time to any of them.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Disney Madness!
I joke, but in all likelihood I really will be sitting in front of the tv tomorrow armed with popcorn and snacksies...
One of the highlights of the peptastic evening was Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior. It's supposed to be set in California but was filmed in Auckland so we spent the entire movie trying to spot Auckland landmarks and actors. The very touching training montage was somewhat diluted by the GALE FORCE WINDS at Micky Savage reserve. *grin* And the high school field looked remarkably similar to the North Harbour stadium...
I really do have to stop going to JB Hi Fi when I'm feeling less than chipper though... I walked out with a truly hideous array of movies and psp games. In my defense, Wendy Wu was not one of them, but I don't think Wildcats is much better... But come on, 1980s hair, disgruntled deliquent football players? Fresh-faced, fuzzy chinned Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes? Fantastic!
I wonder if I could get away with saying that I was studying leadership styles involved in teaching high school football instead of reading the allocated textbook chapter for library school tomorrow...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Week #1
Posting is pretty easy and I like that you can see the html version. The templates for blog design are nifty, but it's always a little weird using templates - like your doppleganger is sitting out there waiting to be discovered.
Speaking of dopplegangers, I've told my sister that she can have the mp3 player if she follows the Programme as well. I'd give it to her anyway, but it's more fun if she has to do it too :D
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Captain's Blog. Stardate 12.09.07
According to our Library 2.0 instructions I shouldn't promote the Library in my first post. *sigh*. Whatever will I write instead?!
I found starting a new blog as painful as ever. Not because of the technology involved, but rather the horrible, horrible number of decisions I had to make. Font? Colour? Template? Name? Far too many choices!
I'm on a bit of a military sci-fi EPIC SPACE ODYSSEY kick at the moment but the warcraft themes always prevail so this will probably be a hodgepodge of awful geek culture. Aaand there goes any anonymity...