Friday, September 28, 2007

Week #2

I'm pretty bad at updating my blogs. But now that I've promised my sister the mp3 player if she plays along too, I don't want to get behind and lose it for her. I'm pretty familiar with using the internet as a social networking tool though. Long distance relationship... kind of a requirement...

So! *cue nostalgic music*

My journey through teh Interweb started back in 1997 with an ICQ instant messenger account. Anyone remember those? Little flower at the bottom of your screen and a truly awful screen name (or number). I graduated to Yahoo Messenger in the cool winter months of [insert forgotten date here], followed by AOL's AIM in [insert another forgotten date here, in fact, that 1997 I mentioned earlier? Totally made up], a short dalliance with MSN three years ago, and the latest notch to the IM belt - an account with Skype. I would like to say that I ended up with the best, most reliable IM service but really, I picked Yahoo for the purple layout and range of smilies...

My history with online journals has been equally promiscuous. LiveJournal was my first. It is full of angsty emo rants insterspersed with every personality and pop culture quiz you can imagine. I was relatively content with LiveJournal. Most of my friends were on there, it's pretty easy to update (except that you have to manually enter the html code to insert hyperlinks and I would always forget the format), but my attention was caught by another: MySpace. Sweet, sweet MySpace.... Songs embedded in your homepage, layer upon layer of profile information, and a guy called Tom who would always be your friend. What more could one want?

Facebook. That's what. Facebook with its gardens, pets, and walls within walls. But it's become something I avoid. I went away for a couple of weeks and got behind with my notices and now I hide from the pirate/zombie/purity/Simpsons/Harry Potter invites and try to pretend that I'll get around to doing them later.

I haven't signed up for a Bebo account - I'm trying to avoid the temptation as I don't need another social networking site in my life, and from the comments I saw in the few profiles I looked at, it seems to be mostly younger tEeNaGed peOPlE UsiNg tH3 s1t3. *winces* reeeeally not so appealing.

So I'll stick with my harem of MySpace, LiveJournal and Facebook accounts and not devote enough time to any of them.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Disney Madness!

I fear I have reached a new low... *guilty look*. They had a day of cheery pep-rally movies on the Disney Channel to suitably prepare us emotionally for the premiere of High School Musical 2 tomorrow.


I joke, but in all likelihood I really will be sitting in front of the tv tomorrow armed with popcorn and snacksies...

One of the highlights of the peptastic evening was Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior. It's supposed to be set in California but was filmed in Auckland so we spent the entire movie trying to spot Auckland landmarks and actors. The very touching training montage was somewhat diluted by the GALE FORCE WINDS at Micky Savage reserve. *grin* And the high school field looked remarkably similar to the North Harbour stadium...

I really do have to stop going to JB Hi Fi when I'm feeling less than chipper though... I walked out with a truly hideous array of movies and psp games. In my defense, Wendy Wu was not one of them, but I don't think Wildcats is much better... But come on, 1980s hair, disgruntled deliquent football players? Fresh-faced, fuzzy chinned Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes? Fantastic!

I wonder if I could get away with saying that I was studying leadership styles involved in teaching high school football instead of reading the allocated textbook chapter for library school tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week #1

Righty! Insights into Blogging. I didn't create a new blog for this, but rather recycled the one I created for my Library Studies paper. It was a nasty orange and pink concoction so I thought I'd go for a moody black this time. Goth librarian ftw!

Posting is pretty easy and I like that you can see the html version. The templates for blog design are nifty, but it's always a little weird using templates - like your doppleganger is sitting out there waiting to be discovered.

Speaking of dopplegangers, I've told my sister that she can have the mp3 player if she follows the Programme as well. I'd give it to her anyway, but it's more fun if she has to do it too :D

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Captain's Blog. Stardate 12.09.07

Captain's blog? Hilaaaaarious.

According to our Library 2.0 instructions I shouldn't promote the Library in my first post. *sigh*. Whatever will I write instead?!

I found starting a new blog as painful as ever. Not because of the technology involved, but rather the horrible, horrible number of decisions I had to make. Font? Colour? Template? Name? Far too many choices!

I'm on a bit of a military sci-fi EPIC SPACE ODYSSEY kick at the moment but the warcraft themes always prevail so this will probably be a hodgepodge of awful geek culture. Aaand there goes any anonymity...