I came across something truly amazing on the weekend... A library school reading that I really enjoyed! I
wanted to read it! It was written in English! Not Libraryspeak! And considering that it was about digitizing library collections, that was quite an accomplishment! Considering the fact that Blog Fever has run RAMPANT in the 2.0 world I hoped that he might be blogging. I've not been able to find one though :( There are several articles on other blogs and conference programmes but no personal blog.
Library school has been a pretty good source of blogs and journals though. The
LITA blog is pretty nifty with its conference recordings and separation of RSS feeds into entries, comments or both. The Bloglines search tool looked a little messy, but I liked that they included when the blog was last updated in the search results. I came across a few interesting looking ones that hadn't been updated in months before seeing that they included the last updated date. Better to check that first than be disappointed :P
I have an atavistic aversion to using Blogs to find out information in any field other than entertainment, but some of the library blogs are managing to counter that. *twitch* I still can't imagine referencing a blog in an essay, but maybe that will change.