Sunday, December 16, 2007

Week #9 - NetLibrary

I created a NetLibrary account a couple of years ago so the hardest part of this exercise was finding my username and password... :D I didn't really find many books that I would want to read online though - the majority of the collection still seems to run along the lines of non-fiction DIY, business, studyguide and computing books. Which does make sense - why buy "The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Adobe Photoshop Elements 2" for the library when we'll be giving it away in a booksale two years from now when it's horribly out of date?

It's a perfect medium for reference books (see earlier post about wanting to use control + find on the hardcopy medical text book I was reading a couple of weeks ago...) but not so great for more leisurely browsing. I still do it though - I was reading "The Good, the Bad and the Undead" and left it at home at a PIVOTAL moment... so I mighthavekindofreadwhat happenednextwhenIwasonaslowregistrationshift... Er, and ditto for "Heidi" :D

I can't seem to read "The Good, the Bad and the Undead" online any more though - maybe they changed the level of access... Google Book search is a little better in that regard - you can tell from the beginning what level of access you'll get. Then again.. the only fiction novel in the fantasy genre that is fully available is "Ueber den Begriff des Wortes [phantasia] bei Aristoteles"...

I like that we have these options though: I could read a book at home, listen to it while I go to work, download the electronic copy, convert it into Braille... okay maybe I couldn't do the last one, but still! So many options!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work - it would be good to have academic texts online rather than carting around loads of textbooks around campus, etc!

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